Check out the new bags we'll be using to send our products in.....
Soooo excited! This one was just a sample we got made in China. I love that China can do things ridiculously cheaply compared to NZ, but it means you have a huge Minimum Order Quantity. We have also had a few misunderstandings with the language barrier!
I am very happy with the quality. Thank goodness for good old graphic designer friend Selina, who could translate colours from RGB to CMYK to Pantone, phewph!
Our shipment of stock is still held up with all the flooding in Bangkok, we really have no idea when it will be here - not such great news.
But our manufacturer sensed my eagerness to see our new LadyBug design and sent the sample through by airmail, and here it is..
I just love it! So we will be selling this and all the other accessories that go with it; sheet sets, nappy stackers, change pad covers and cot bumpers. It's so great to have a new line coming in.
I also ordered new woven pip labels today from and I'm about to follow up on the stickers I ordered months ago.
It's great to have all this happening now the website is working its flashy little self through the world wide web! It's just a shame that last week I couldn't do much due to my limpet aka Cadell my son having chicken pox, and this week me having a tummy bug and being SHATTERED. Here's what I try to occupy him with while I get onto my emails!
If you want a great finger paint recipe check out my sisters blog
She has some great ideas on there for keeping little ones entertained, my niece is a fire cracker and loves all these things her super mummy helps her do.
Anyway,with any luck I'll have a healthier family next post!
I see the magic Cadell!